Racing 92 vs Cardiff

When's the game on?

Racing 92 play Cardiff on Saturday 20 January at 09:15. The Champions Cup game is to be held at Paris La Defense Arena.

Previous Results:

36 Cardiff
30 Racing 92

Champions Cup - 22 Jan 2012

20 Racing 92
26 Cardiff

Champions Cup - 11 Nov 2011

Where's the match on TV?

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Who's going to win?

Racing 92 are predicted to win by 19 points at a probability of 89.0%.

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Match Day Squad

Racing 92 # Cardiff
Tristan Tedder 15 Jacob Beetham
Christian Wade 14 Aled Summerhill
Gael Fickou 13 Reynold Lee-Lo
Inia Tabuavou 12 Ben Thomas
Juan Imhoff 11 Mason Grady
Antoine Gibert 10 Tinus de Beer
Nolann Le Garrec 9 Tomos Williams
Hassane Kolingar 1 Rhys Carre
Camille Chat 2 Efan Daniel
Trevor Nyakane 3 Keiron Assirati
Cameron Woki 4 Teddy Williams
Will Rowlands 5 Rory Thornton
Ibrahim Diallo 6 Alex Mann
Siya Kolisi 7 Ellis Jenkins
Kitione Kamikamica 8 Mackenzie Martin
Janick Tarrit 16 Dafydd Hughes
Eddy Ben Arous 17 Rhys Barratt
Gia Kharaishvili 18 Rhys Litterick
Fabien Sanconnie 19 Seb Davies
Maxime Baudonne 20 Lopeti Timani
Clovis Lebail 21 Tom Young
Olivier Klemenczak 22 Ellis Bevan
Donovan Taofifenua 23 Owen Lane

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